Draft DVSwitch Install notes
CETTE PROCEDURE A ETE CHANGE PARLE SCRIPT DVSwitch-System-Builder disponnible dans le git repository .
Seulement a ajouter Hblink avec la commande pour obtenir un Gateway DMR ( BM) a Allstar
git clone -b HB_Bridge https://github.com/n0mjs710/HBlink.git …
les tests et la configuration
DVSwitch is a collection of software and hardware modules to connect AllStarLink to a DMR network via IPSC. DVSwitch (DVS) can connect to a c-Bridge based network (DMR-MARC, DCI) or a BrandMeister Network. The basic configuration of DVS is contained in the document DVSwitchDiagram.pdf. ( http://dvswitch.org/files/DVSwitch/) DVS uses software and hardware from DVSwitch (DVS), DMRlink(DMRl), NWDigital (NWD) Hblink ( HBL)and AllStarLink (ASL). Each module is configured and operates separately. UDP data is used for communication between modules. This does allow the modules to be spread across multiple hosts. That type of configuration is outside the scope of this document. We will configure each module and verify proper operation of each module before moving on to the next. I am using a HP T610 with 16 gB SSD to test the system. . If you are not comfortable operating in a Linux environment, stop now. This is not for you. We will be using DIAL Installation of AllStarLink . All the scripts and downloaded programs are in the /srv directory. Some will be copied to other directories during installation. . You can download the image at http://tinyurl.com/x86-DIAL and use the procedure at https://github.com/N4IRS/AllStar/wiki/Debian-Installation-(for)-Allstar-Link-DIAL
If the install does not work try installing Debian Jessie stand alone . Then install git with the command apt-get install git . Then download Asterisk and install from source with the command git clone https://github.com/AllStarLink/DIAL.git then follow the instructions in README.md
will start with the hardware. For this document we are going to use a
HP T610 Flexible Thin Client and
a DV3000u (DV) from NWD. The DV is a Vocoder. It's job is to take
AMBE data and convert it to analog (PCM) and PCM to AMBE. The DV we
will use is a USB device. It simply plugs into a USB port on the Pi.
Communications from the Pi to the DV is serial. Our first task is to
connect the DV to the Pi and ensure proper communications. I will use
Python scripts from NWD to test communications to and from the DV.
Install and test the DV3000
Make sure your installation of ALLStarLink is complete and up to
2: Execute apt-get
update and
upgrade -y . should
not make any change
I usually reboot after a upgrade, just habit on a new system. Execute
Plug the DV into a USB port on the PC.
5: Verify the DV has been
recognized by the PC. You should have a device in /dev. The device is
ttyUSBx. You can verify this by executing ls
/dev/ttyUSB* before
and after plugging in the DV. If you already have something else
using ttyUSB0, the DV will become ttyUSB1.
6: We now need
the python test scripts from NWD. There is a the test script
AMBEtest4.py in
the to
the Analog_Bridge repository.
7: Checkout Analog_Bridge
github. Execute cd
/srv Then
execute git
clone https://github.com/N4IRS/Analog_Bridge.git
The python test script needs one additional python module to run.
Execute apt-get
install python-serial to
install the python-serial module. And execute apt-get
install git to
install git
Go to the /srv/Analog_Bridge/DV3000 directory. Execute cd
/srv/Analog_Bridge/DV3000 .
Executing a ls
show you the test script, AMBEtest4.py.
10: Execute python
AMBEtest4.py -v -n -s /dev/ttyUSB0
output should look like this. Important data is in
python AMBEtest4.py -v -n -s /dev/ttyUSB0
by all the test scrolling fast and ending with
Encode PCM
Test result: Success (61000b010148dfe7a27577147c87bb)
Error count = 0
you do not receive the data in bold,
STOP !!! Without communications to and from the DV, you can go no
further. Leave the DV connected, we will need it for the next
This concludes testing communications with the DV.
Install and test Analog_Bridge
receives AMBE data from HB_Bridge, formats the AMBE and sends it to
the DV. The DV "converts" the AMBE to PCM and returns it to
Analog_Bridge. The PCM is then sent to ASL. The same is true in the
other direction.
1: Analog_Bridge is a program
specific to the platform (processor) you are running. We are running
a PC so we need the the x32 version of Analog_Bridge.
Execute cd
Create the destination directory by executing mkdir
-p /opt/Analog_Bridge
Copy the proper version of Analog_Bridge to
the destination directory. Execute cp
Analog_Bridge.x32 /opt/Analog_Bridge/
Copy the Analog_Bridge configuration
file to the destination directory. Execute cp
Analog_Bridge.ini /opt/Analog_Bridge
Change directory to the Analog_Bridge directory.
Execute cd
Execute ls
see the 2 files are in the Analog_Bridge directory
8: Edit Analog_Bridge.ini
Add ; ( Comments) in front of the following lines
In the [AMBE_AUDIO] section
Change ambesize to 72
Change the TG and TS to what you will be using
I am using TG9 TS1 for the bridge from MMDVm to ASL
Also change the gatewayDmrId and the repeaterID to your DMRID
in the [DV3000] section add ; ( Comment ) to the lines
server = becomes ; server =
port = 2460 becomes ; port= 2460
remove the ; (comment) in front of the following lines
;server = /dev/ttyUSB0 becomes server = /dev/ttyUSB0
;port = 460800 becomes port = 460800
;serial = true . become serial = true
DO NOT LEAVE space in front of any lines
9: Run Analog_Bridge in
the foreground by executing ./Analog_Bridge
output should look like this. Important data is in
./ Analog_Bridge Analog_Bridge.ini
- Version 20170607
Setting [GENERAL] logLevel -> 2
Setting [GENERAL] outputAudioDevice -> /dev/null
Setting [GENERAL] inputAudioDevice -> /dev/null
Setting [GENERAL] decoderFallBack -> false
Setting [GENERAL] useMicrophone -> false
Setting [GENERAL] useVox -> false
Setting [GENERAL] voxDecay -> 2
Setting [GENERAL] voxTrigger -> 200
Setting [AMBE_AUDIO] server ->
Setting [AMBE_AUDIO] fromDMRPort -> 31000
Setting [AMBE_AUDIO] toDMRPort -> 31003
Setting [AMBE_AUDIO] ambeSize -> 72
Setting [AMBE_AUDIO] minTxTimeMS -> 200
Setting [AMBE_AUDIO] gatewayDmrId -> 3022387
Setting [AMBE_AUDIO] repeaterID -> 302236
Setting [AMBE_AUDIO] txTg -> 9
Setting [AMBE_AUDIO] txTs -> 1
Setting [AMBE_AUDIO] colorCode -> 1
Setting [USRP] server ->
Setting [USRP] toASLPort -> 32001
Setting [USRP] fromASLPort -> 34001
Setting [USRP] aslAudio -> AUDIO_USE_AGC
Setting [USRP] agcGain -> -20
Setting [USRP] dmrAudio -> AUDIO_UNITY
Setting [USRP] DVSain -> 0.35
Setting [DV3000] server -> /dev/ttyUSB0
Setting [DV3000] port -> 460800
Setting [DV3000] serial -> true
ioctl reset error
ioctl speed error
ioctl stereo error
ioctl setfmt error
Audio In/Out Device: /dev/null
Open UDP listener on
Open USRP on
Connecting to DV3000 hardware......
Begin DV3000 decode
Using hardware AMBE decoder
Starting Analog_Bridge --> USRP thread
Open UDP listener on
USRP --> HB_Bridge
you do not receive the data in bold,
STOP !!! Analog_Bridge is
not communicating with the DV, you can go no further.
lines tell you how Analog_Bridge is
communicating with the DV.
Setting [DV3000] server ->
/dev/ttyUSB0 <--- USB Device name
Setting [DV3000] port ->
460800 <--- baud rate
Setting [DV3000] serial -> true <---
We are communicating serial
This concludes testing
Install and test hbink / HB_Bridge
two python programs, hblink.py and HB_Bridge.py are used to
communicate with the HB network. In simple terms, hblink.py connects
to the master and passes AMBE data to HB_Bridge.py (Don't shoot me
You need both programs, but they can be tested separately.
This makes troubleshooting much easier.
1: Checkout DMRlink from github. Execute cd /srv Then execute git clone https://github.com/n0mjs710/DMRlink.git These steps are needed to install all the working guts of the IPSC and hblink programs
Execute cd
DMRL includes a install script that will install required Python
modules, create the destination directory in /opt and copy the needed
4: Execute cd
5: Execute ./mk-dmrlink
Execute the following command to install hblink and HB_Bridge
Execute cd /srv
Execute git clone -b HB_Bridge https://github.com/n0mjs710/HBlink.git
7: Change to the /srv/HBlink directory.
Execute cd
8: We need a configuration file for hblink.py Execute cp
hblink-SAMPLE.cfg hblink.cfg
For testing purposes, we want to log output to go to the console
10: Edit the following lines in hblink.cfg
In the [MASTER1] section Change PORT to 62031
12: In the
[MASTER1] section Change PASSPHRASE to passw0rd
Save your work
14 Execute python
output should look like
python hblink.py
root@repeater:/srv/HBlink# python hblink.py
DEBUG 2017-06-29 22:18:50,552 Logging system started, anything from here on gets logged
INFO 2017-06-29 22:18:50,552 HBlink 'HBlink.py' (c) 2016 N0MJS & the K0USY Group - SYSTEM STARTING...
DEBUG 2017-06-29 22:18:50,553 (MASTER-1) Master maintenance loop started
DEBUG 2017-06-29 22:18:50,554 MASTER instance created: MASTER-1, <__main__.HBSYSTEM instance at 0xb653e56c>
DEBUG 2017-06-29 22:18:55,555 (MASTER-1) Master maintenance loop started
DEBUG 2017-06-29 22:19:00,558 (MASTER-1) Master maintenance loop started
C to
you do not receive the output above, STOP !!! Something is wrong with
the hblink install, or the configuration file is damaged.
will now add valid configuration data to hblink.cfg so we can test
further we are going to connect to your mmdvm repeater for this part
of the test.
15: Edit th mmdvm.ini of your repeater
In section [DMR Network] Change
Address to point to the HB_Bridge PC address
17 In
section [DMR Network] Change
Port to 62031
In section [DMR Network] Change
Password to passw0rd
19: Save your work Start your mmdvm
20 Execute python
output should look like this. Important data is in
python hblink.py
DEBUG 2017-06-29 22:18:50,552 Logging system started, anything from here on gets logged
INFO 2017-06-29 22:18:50,552 HBlink 'HBlink.py' (c) 2016 N0MJS & the K0USY Group - SYSTEM STARTING...
DEBUG 2017-06-29 22:18:50,553 (MASTER-1) Master maintenance loop started
DEBUG 2017-06-29 22:18:50,554 MASTER instance created: MASTER-1, <__main__.HBSYSTEM instance at 0xb653e56c>
INFO 2017-06-29 22:18:53,319 (MASTER-1) Repeater Logging in with Radio ID: 302236,
INFO 2017-06-29 22:18:53,320 (MASTER-1) Sent Challenge Response to 302236 for login: 1828349741
INFO 2017-06-29 22:18:53,324 (MASTER-1) Client 302236 has completed the login exchange successfully
INFO 2017-06-29 22:18:53,329 (MASTER-1) Client VE2RVL (302236) has sent repeater configuration
DEBUG 2017-06-29 22:18:55,555 (MASTER-1) Master maintenance loop started
DEBUG 2017-06-29 22:19:00,558 (MASTER-1) Master maintenance loop started
DEBUG 2017-06-29 22:19:03,346 (MASTER-1) Received and answered RPTPING from client VE2RVL (302236)
2017-06-29 22:19:05,555 (MASTER-1) Master maintenance loop
you do not receive the connection from your repeater ( not mine
!!!!), STOP !!! Something is wrong with the hblink install, or the
configuration file is damaged.
Press Control C to exit hblink.py
Now we will do initial testing of HB_Bridge.py For the first part of the test, we will not edit the configuration file.
Edit HB_Bridge.cfg
Add a comment (#) infront of all the entry inth [RULES] Section
the following command python HB_Bridge.py
output should look like this. Important data is in
python HB_Bridge.py
load config file config.file
DEBUG 2017-06-29 22:30:39,877 Logging system started, anything from here on gets logged
INFO 2017-06-29 22:30:39,877 ID ALIAS MAPPER: 'peer_ids.csv' is current, not downloaded
INFO 2017-06-29 22:30:39,877 ID ALIAS MAPPER: 'subscriber_ids.csv' is current, not downloaded
INFO 2017-06-29 22:30:39,915 ID ALIAS MAPPER: peer_ids dictionary is available
INFO 2017-06-29 22:30:40,238 ID ALIAS MAPPER: subscriber_ids dictionary is available
INFO 2017-06-29 22:30:40,238 HBlink 'HB_Bridge.py' (c) 2017 Mike Zingman N4IRR, N0MJS - SYSTEM STARTING...
INFO 2017-06-29 22:30:40,239 Version 20170620
DEBUG 2017-06-29 22:30:40,242 (MASTER-1) Master maintenance loop started
DEBUG 2017-06-29 22:30:40,242 MASTER instance created: MASTER-1, <__main__.HB_BRIDGE instance at 0xb65c960c>
DEBUG 2017-06-29 22:30:45,246 (MASTER-1) Master maintenance loop started
INFO 2017-06-29 22:30:46,200 (MASTER-1) Repeater Logging in with Radio ID: 302236,
INFO 2017-06-29 22:30:46,201 (MASTER-1) Sent Challenge Response to 302236 for login: 2925742343
INFO 2017-06-29 22:30:46,206 (MASTER-1) Client 302236 has completed the login exchange successfully
INFO 2017-06-29 22:30:46,211 (MASTER-1) Client VE2RVL (302236) has sent repeater configuration
DEBUG 2017-06-29 22:30:50,246 (MASTER-1) Master maintenance loop started
DEBUG 2017-06-29 22:30:55,247 (MASTER-1) Master maintenance loop started
2017-06-29 22:30:56,214 (MASTER-1) Received and answered RPTPING from
client VE2RVL
you do not receive connection from your repeater , STOP !!! Something
is wrong with the HB_Bridge.py install, or the configuration file is
damaged. HB_Bridge needs hblink to
properly connect to the repeater.
So, lets recap. You PC is properly communicating with the DV 3000. You have installed Analog_Bridge in /opt/Analog_Bridge and it can communicate with the DV3000. You have installed hblink /srv/hblink. hblink.py can serve as a MASTER for a mmdvm repeater HB_Bridge.py is using hblink.py to communicate with mmdvm repeater. This concludes the installation phase of Analog_Bridge. From here, we will move on to configuring the modules needed to configure DVSwitch to route the proper TG/TS to Brandmeister / IPSC Network or to the Analog_Bridge ….
/srv/HBlink directory 3 times , to /opt/HBlink , to /opt/HBlink2 and
to /opt/HBlink3
To install MMDVMHost on the PC follow these instructions
cd /srv
git clone https://github.com/g4klx/MMDVMHost.git
cd MMDVMHost
Edit MMDVM.ini to your preferences …
To install MMDVCal on the PC Follow these instructions
cd /srv
git clone https://github.com/g4klx/MMDVCal.git
cd MMDVMHost
Here is a drawing of the configuration used for our gateway
To auto start all the required modules . Create the required services using the following instructions
apt-get install screen
Create the file /lib/systemd/system/Analog_Bridge.service
Change mod to 644
Edit the file to add the following
[Unit] Description=Analog_Bridge Ham_Radio Service After=syslog.target network.target [Service] User=root WorkingDirectory=/opt/Analog_Bridge ExecStart=/usr/bin/screen -S Analog_Bridge -D -m /opt/Analog_Bridge/Analog_Bridge /opt/Analog_Bridge/Analog_Bridge.ini ExecStop=/usr/bin/screen -S Analog_Bridge -X quit Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=default.target
Command systemctl daemon-reload
Command systemctl enable Analog_Bridge.service
Command systemctl start Analog_Bridge.service
Repeat for all other services keeping the line Ham_Radio Service in the Description line..... reboot and check the services with the command
systemctl | grep Ham_Radio
Too open the services screen use the following command
screen -ls will list all the services started with the screen command
screen -r followed by the number and name of the screen
EX: screen -r 420.Analog_Bridge
To end the screen without stopping the service use the command
CTL a Followed by the letter d
Adapted freely from Steve N4IRS DMRGateway Install notes by Richard VE2DJE